
When Big Feelings Arrive

Day 7: An Election Day Practice

I'm guessing I'm not the only one who remembers exactly where I was in 2016 - phone in hand, heart racing, caught in an endless spiral of what-ifs. The body holds these election memories, and today might bring them all back up.

Over this past week, we've built our regulation toolkit together - exploring our window of tolerance, working with RAIN, getting real about bypass, practicing the pause, and noticing our spheres of control. Today, as all these pieces come together, I want to share what might be the most important practice - one that continues to anchor me during intense moments.

It comes from Rumi's Guest House poem, which reminds us that every feeling, even the difficult ones, arrives as a visitor. Today, many guests might show up at your door - the 2am what-ifs, the results-watching anxiety, the memories of elections past. The video shows how to work with whatever comes, remembering that like all visitors, they eventually leave.

This isn't about forcing positivity or pretending we're not affected. It's about making room for all of it while staying grounded.

Take good care of yourself today. Remember, all your reactions make sense.

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